Quantum Machine Learning
Oct 31, 2018
12:30PM to 1:30PM
Date(s) - 31/10/2018
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Speaker: Dr. Tyler Wilson
Topic: Quantum Machine Learning
Date of Presentation: October 31, 2018 at 12:30pm
Location: LSB B130E
As quantum computers increase in capacity, and as machine learning techniques are applied in every corner of society, there is growing interest in finding ways to combine the two disciplines to harness the power in each.
In this talk I will briefly discuss the state of quantum computing, the quantum machine learning landscape, and highlight a few tantalizing results and future directions.
Dr. Wilson has spent his academic and professional career bridging the divide between the theoretical and commercial applications of mathematics. He received his doctorate in mathematics from the University of Toronto, and has worked in various positions in the industrial and academic sectors, including as the Vice-President, Technology, at Xogen Technologies Inc. and has taught mathematics courses at the University of Toronto, and McMaster University. Since 2014 he has worked at the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences focusing on commercial and industrial partnerships, most recently as Team Leader of The Centre For Quantitative Analysis and Modelling. Currently he is co-founder Tesseraqt Optimization Inc, a startup being incubated as part of the Quantum Machine Learning stream at Rotman’s Creative Destruction Lab.